Bio+ Programmme: Driving Innovation in Biomass, Bioenergy, and Bioeconomy
The innovation cluster GIVE is supported by Bio+ a research and innovation program focusing on the contributions of biomass, bioenergy, and the bioeconomy to energy and climate policy goals, as well as research policy and industrial objectives.
The program embodies the three pillars of energy policy: security of supply, competitiveness, and ecological sustainability.

The program aims to develop bio-based solutions and value chains that are relevant to the energy system. Furthermore, it strives to enhance knowledge and expertise about how these solutions and value chains should interact with each other and with the broader energy system. The developed solutions should be competitive, enhance ecological health in soil and water where possible, contribute to security and equality, and collectively improve the flexibility and robustness of the energy system.
Central Themes
Knowledge dissemination, needs identification, and collaboration are central to the program to create added value from the supported research, innovation, and business development activities. Additionally, the program aims to create conditions that enable actors to commercialize solutions in the biosector.
Program Areas
The program is divided into four main areas:
Biomass and bio-based solutions
Sustainability, societal perspectives, and system analysis
Market and commercialization
International collaboration
Accelerating Activities
Activities aimed at accelerating the implementation of project results and fostering collaboration among stakeholders are essential to facilitate a sustainable transition.
Budget and Timeline
The Bio+ program is planned to run from 2021 to 2027, with a budget frame of 511 million SEK for the period.
By focusing on these critical elements, Bio+ aims to make significant strides in the sustainable transformation of energy systems, with benefits for society, the economy, and the environment.
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